
Hello, I'm Lyndsay and this is my A2 Media blog. All of the research and planning I do for this years coursework (A short film, magazine review and poster to go with it) will find it's way onto this blog.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Coding schedule analysis

The Coding schedule I made was supposed to evaluate short films by sorting how short films differ, using genre, number of characters, the use of music and diagetic sound.

This means I can compare my film plans against other short films, to make sure the style, storyline and genre fit and work together.Only 2 of the films are less than 5 minutes, and so these examples are the most useful. However the longest, 'Traffic Warden' is the right genre and was a major influence (see first post).

'Test' is the wrong genre, I labelled it as 'drama', and whilst it is in the time limit it is quite violent and dark, the complete opposite of my planned film.

'Sorry I'm late' would work as it is the right genre and within the time limit, but it is a stop motion, I am only using stop motion for the opening titles.

1 comment:

  1. Could you present all the analysis you have done on your blog, so we can see it?

    As you identified 2 shorts as useful, would it be of benefit to analyse them in more detail?
