
Hello, I'm Lyndsay and this is my A2 Media blog. All of the research and planning I do for this years coursework (A short film, magazine review and poster to go with it) will find it's way onto this blog.

Thursday 8 September 2011


So, here is the basic questionnaire, I will probably print 10 to 20 of these to actually use, but 5 to use as practices so that I can improve questions if necessary. I will then create a chart of some kind to display the results.
*NOTE* There are boxes on the actual questionnaire, they won’t show up on the blog, so I’ve included a screenshot of the questionnaire, it’s only short, but I will be asking the people who fill it in to write suggestions on the back, about how to improve the questionnaire.
1.       What age are you?                             Under 16           16 – 30           31-50            50+
 2.       Are you male or female?……………………………………….         Male            Female
3.       Have you ever watched any short films?………………….         Yes               No
4.       If not, is there a reason why?
5.       What would you say is a good length for a short film?

1 – 3 Minutes          4 – 6 Minutes          7 – 9 Minutes        10 Minutes or over

6.       Would you prefer a silent short film, or a short film with speech?

                  Silent                                       With speech

7.       Is there a genre of short film you would prefer? (Tick all that apply, there is space to write any that aren’t included)

         Documentary                    Comedy                      Drama                   Animated (Stop motion)
         Animated (Other)            Other (Please specify) ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­____________________________________
8.       Would you prefer:             a solid ending                a cliff-hanger?


  1. 1. 16-30

    2. Male

    3. No

    4. No

    5. 7-9 minuets

    6. With speech

    7.Comdey, Action

    8. A solid ending

  2. 1.16-30
    3. No
    4. never heard of any
    5. 10 mins or over
    6. with speech
    7. comedy, animated
    8. cliffe hanger

  3. 1. 31-50
    2. Female
    3. Yes
    4. -
    5. 4-6 mins
    6. Silent ones are good if done well.
    7. I like comedy - or ones that are kinda funny and kinda sad too
    8. A solid ending - I like it when thinks work out well for the main character.

    Some good questions - even if Q5 is a bit redundant. You might instead ask how many scenes you should have or whether or not to use multiple narratives.
